Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pedicure Day(:

Hey Everyone!
Or the few of you that actually read this blog...

Today, I got a pedicure.
I know people are supposed to relax in their little massage chairs and enjoy getting their feet massaged, and toes painted pretty colors, but with me that's just not the case.
I know that's sounds crazy, but I have Tourettes.
Oh, the excuse I have used SO many times. Pshhh, TS deserves it. Especially since it's always true, and the excuse fits to the topic.
Today I got a great pedicure, though. Probably the best. I will explain why later.
See how I'm drawing you in? Making you want to read more?
No? Oh, okay. Darn Middle School education.
Anyways, whenever I go to a nail salon, my mom and I try to explain what Tourettes is to them, and that I may have to move my legs and feet a bit.
I try really hard not to tic, but that never ends up well... Tourettes wins.
The nail people will give me weird looks, tell me to stop moving, and talk to their friends in a different language.
I mean, come on, who understands what they're saying during that time? I always get this paranoid feeling that they're talking about me behind my- oh I'm sorry, I mean in front of my back.
I always get really apprehensive when the people tell me to stop moving my legs and feet, since I had already tried to explain it before, and half the time I don't know if they really understand all of my English... If I just tell them the same thing they've already heard over and over again, it's very unlikely that they would stop telling me to quit moving.
I don't tic so much that if they tried to paint a nail, I'd kick the nail polish everytime and it would go flying everywhere. I try extremely hard to not tic, and I distract myself with my phone, since normally they're too bitter with me to want to talk to me... or again, don't know that much English.
But, today was different. I went to a nail salon I'd never been to with my mom, my mom's friend, and my mom's other friend's daughter.
My mom's friend knows about my blog, and told me she would like to be called *Aunt Veronica.
She would also like to be known as the badass aunt married to a mob king.
She isn't really even my aunt, but I wish she was.
I had a great guy doing my nails though, and he gave me a wonderful pedicure. He was so understanding and talked to me during the normally agonizing process.
Hey, my mom always says "Beauty hurts!"
Even though my normal pedicures don't actually physically hurt me, my TS kind of ruins the experience, which in turn isn't such a great thing, so... well... you get the joke.(;
Anyways, I'd like to thank the guy who gave me my pedicure, and I'm not naming him, since I don't have permission.
I'm really tired, since I babysat a three year old and an eight year old after the pedicure today.
Alright, thanks for reading.

"Live your life, you only get one." -Me



  1. Oh boy can I relate to this!!!

    Ok, not with the whole pedicure thing. Guy. But with the whole sitting still thing.

    When I was in tenth grade I got an infection in one of the knuckles of the middle finger on my left hand. I'm left-handed, so this was Bad. I went to the doctor, treated it, and a week later I had a red streak up my arm almost to my shoulder. This was BAD BAD BAD. ER time!

    After taking vitals, the next thing they wanted to do was take a sample from inside the knuckle. Ooookay... Then the doctor came out with what he called a "sixteen gauge needle on a ten cc syringe." I called it a sewer pipe hooked up to a 55 gallon drum. It was HUGE!

    I should add that even back then I had shoulder and arm tics, especially on the left side. This was pre-DX, so I hid them when I could because I didn't know I had TS. But you know what happens when you get stressed. Yeah... The tics were so bad I wanted to crawl out of my own skin!

    Right before impaling my hand with this thing, the doctor said, "Now try not to move your hand or this could really tear up the cartilage in your finger."


    I managed to suppress that tic for the umpteen zillion hours he was rooting around inside my finger with that beast (ok, ok, so probably all of ten seconds) but that was one of those experiences I stuck in the "traumatic" box in my brain. Please oh please oh please never again.

    I've still got my hand, and I still get to write with it. So all's well that ends well. Glad you made it through your pedicure. I hope you're still going to the guy who did your nails!


  2. “Beauty hurts!”— It's the real deal, chica! No matter how natural your beauty regimen is, it will still hurt not only with the money, but with effort as well. To paraphrase a quote, we all know that there's a rainbow after the pain. And it's definitely worth it.
