Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life's A Twitch Share Your Story Project

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry that I have not been writing. I will soon be making a video for my YouTube channel, so check that out within the hour.


Have you ever been made fun of for something you cannot control? Have you ever been bullied beyond repair? Have you ever kept a secret down deep inside because you feel as though no one will ever care? Guess what? I care. I care so much and I love you all so much. I know what it's like to be bullied and made fun of for things out of my control. So here is an idea. "Life's A Twitch's Share Your Story Project". Please send me your story, but only if you are content with it being on the internet. You can be completely ANONYMOUS if you wish, or you can let me mention your name. Just email to lifesatwitch.emma@gmail.com your story. It can be as long or as short as you want. No maximum, no minimum. Just get everything off your chest. It helps you so much, and it helps others as well. Just for people to know that others out there are going through the same thing as them is really comforting. Plus, you can be kind of famous. (;
It doesn't have to be a Tourette's life story, or even a full life story. It can just be a short anecdote, or whatever you feel comfortable with. This is completely for your benefit, and you should be able to feel comfortable with whatever you say being on the internet. I will post your stories to my blog, and read them on my YouTube channel, lifesatwitchemma.
Go ahead. Get it off your chest.
You are loved no matter what.

Emma <3

1 comment:

  1. I've never been made fun of for something I can't control, but where I live, I feel looked down on for my religion, political party, for being country, etc.

    I managed to stick up for myself (and another kid) today, and I DO feel weird because I have a strange OCD thing. I've ALWAYS had weird OCD—it only got worse as I got older—but this thing is where I get SO obsessed with people, I actually imagine them as imaginary friends. It's hard to explain, but while I DON'T see them or hear them or anything, it still feels like they're standing there, staring at me. It sucks because it's like I can't even be in my own room without feeling super uncomfortable.

    I know I'm not different for OCD, but I feel different because of that strange little thing. :/ Absolutely no one knows about it (no one but my immediate family), but it still bothers me when I'm in public and a kid says, "OHMYGOD I have, like, the worst life ever!!! I'm SOOOO stressed!!!!!!!!!!" Not that my life is way worse than theirs or even on the top a hundred list of horrible lives (after all, all sorts of things could be happening that I don't know about), but I hate when kids complain about such stuff when, in reality, I'm just thankful for OCD and peers being my major problems. <3
