So, I just got back from a chorus meeting. It was a test grade, yada, yada.
When I got there, we had to meet in between two trailers and line up with our group (Alto, Second Soprano, First Soprano). I am a first soprano, so I lined up along with my group.
There has always been this one girl, *Lily (*name changed), who has always been strangely negative towards me and other people sometimes, but is a sophomore loved by a lot of the other chorus members, and tons of people think she's so cute. I never really thought much of her snappiness and putting people down.
One time, when the girl next to her lent me a pair of scissors, and when I was done with them, I offered them back, because I thought they belonged to her.
"Really? Pass them to the front! Is it that hard to pass scissors?" Lily exclaimed.
I always brushed off the things that she said.
They were stupid; she was stupid.
She even randomly went off insulting people and muttering remarks about them behind their backs. I just let it go. Sadly, I have no choice but to sit in front of her, since she is in my vocal group, and we all have assigned seats.
Tonight, we all lined up, and I kept bending down, because that's one of my tics.
The girl next to me said, "Why are you doing that?"
"Tourettes," I replied quickly.
Lily caught my attention, then twitched her head violently, and exclaimed, "Sh**! That's cool!" She laughed and went on, "Oh, sorry, I had to do that."
It wasn't a sincere sorry, just a joking around type of sorry...
But, I know she doesn't understand. Goodness, how many times do I say that on here? Tons.
I've always thought about moments with mean girls in high school when I was younger; what I would say... what I would do... but, right then and there, in the moment, I was highly offended, yet had nothing to say.
People started asking, "Is that true?", "Do you have Tourettes?", "You have Tourettes?", "Really?"
I just nodded.
"So, do you cuss and slap people?" an upperclassman asked.
"No," I replied.
Tears were brimming in my eyes because of what Lily had said. I was surprised, since I hadn't been feeling any extreme emotions from her ignorant comment.
Strong, Emma, I thought, Just keep strong. You are strong.
I didn't let one tear leave their ducts. Strong, strong, strong. Just. Keep. Strong.
The rest of the night was alright, even though I got a bit anxious during the meeting, but it was all fine.
By the way, I just turned 14 on the first of September.(:
Brush it off, she's not worth it, move on.
Stand up for yourself, don't let them walk over you.
Remember, Just. Keep. Strong.
Has anyone ever told you that you're a great writer for someone your age? Heck for anyone of any age really. If they haven't told you this yet for some strange reason, someone needs to tell you. Keep writing! I'm a writer myself and you should really consider writing in your future. :)