Hey Yinz,
Yes, I was born in the Burgh. Pittsburgh, that is.(:
During the eighth grade, I rode the bus with these total jerks, and I'm so nice that I'll change their names while talking about them, even though they deserve to be publicly humiliated. I'm about to go to highschool, where they will probably ride my bus again... Oh Lord.
So, "Carl" and "Jack" are total idiots.
At school, we were doing these things called Multi-Genre projects, where we picked one thesis about a specific topic and wrote different pieces about it answering the thesis question. So, to make friendly conversation, I asked Carl and Jack what their topic was, and they said theirs were both on the KKK. So I told them I did mine on Tourettes and they just laughed and laughed and totally made fun of it. This was not the first time they had been completely rude to me, but on some small occasions they would actually be decent, so that's why I was actually talking to them. Jack had been going to school with me since Kindergarten, and should have known that I had Tourettes since my elementary school guidance counsler would come speak to the kids each year, but no. This insensitive tool, who probably did remember I had TS, and didn't care, went on making fun. They started cussing insanely and loudly acting like they had Tourettes, and I told them to stop, and that they were immitating Coprolalia, which was an uncommon form of Tourettes. Carl kept saying, "You don't have Tourettes, you don't have Tourettes!"
Do you know how many times people have told me that? Well, yes I do, dumbass, I know myself. I live in my own body, thank you very much. I know what goes on, and I'm. not. kidding.
Anyways they kept saying things like, "Could **** I go to the ******* bathroom, please ****?" and just inserting swear words into normal everyday sentences. It really ticked me off, so I ignored them for the rest of the bus ride since they wouldn't stop.
Eventually near the end of the bus ride, Carl said, "You really have Tourettes?:
No duh, jackass, I've only been saying that for the past twenty minutes.
So I replied, "Yes, I do, duh!"
He apoligized insincerely and we got off at our stop.
But life goes on.
Oh the tools you'll meet in this life.
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