Hey everyone!
Happy New Year!
Merry 2012!
Yeah... well, anyways... I just wanted to let you all know that I have an obsession with the show "Friends". Just putting that out there... It's my favorite show. *Happy sigh*.
I spent the new year with *Holly! And also three other days in a row with her. It was a ton of fun.
I realize this is my first post of the new year. 2012, baby! I don't know what to say about that... I mean, everyone posted on Facebook and tweeted on Twitter things like "New Year, New Me!" and "This is the new year, time to start things fresh(:". Honestly, the new year doesn't change anything. It's just another cycle around the sun. There aren't any huge mystic happenings when a new year comes around. People all want to start anew, but things are just the same. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but I spout the truth! I just thought the statuses were a bit silly.
I found a new quote and fell in love with it:
"Give thanks to those who did you wrong... for they unknowingly made you strong." - Unknown
This reminds me of all the times I have gotten made fun of. Many people have done me wrong, and unknowingly made me strong. Plus, this quote RHYMES. Cool beans!!
I can't help making these movements and performing these actions, so don't make it even harder for me. I mean, really? I just don't understand why people have the knack to put others down. Especially for things that they can't control. I'm not just talking about Tourettes. People get made fun of for other disorders that they can't control. It's wrong to make fun of people for these things.
I have finally reached the age where a lot of people just don't care about anything very much anymore. It doesn't really matter where you get your clothes from and how you do your makeup anymore, so people aren't as cold and shallow about those things. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about these things. I never really did worry about it anyway. Even so, I do worry about my Tourettes and other peoples' reactions to it. I know it doesn't matter what they think, but when I clap in silence or bend down in the middle of the hallway, people ask questions. It's pretty tiring having to explain the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
What if someone tells other people that I'm a freak, and then no one else wants to even give me a chance at being friends with them?
Well, I do know the answer to that. The people who don't give me a chance wouldn't be good friends anyways.
I do feel a bit uncomfortable when I start coughing a lot and an adult asks me if I need water. I tell them that I don't, but I feel like I shouldn't keep coughing even though I need to. I mean, if I keep coughing, they'll keep on asking me if I need water. I usually end up being fine, though.
Keep calm and pray.
I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday, and I talked to her about how I happen to forget things a lot. I wanted to know if it was from one of the medicines I'm taking. It turns out that it's just from Tourettes. She explained to me that TS basically takes up a part of my brain and makes it so I can't control it. This apparently takes up a lot of "data usage" in my brain, so I don't have a lot of space left to remember small things like phone numbers or adresses. To show me my small data usage in action, she recited a phone number with a lot of patterned numbers in it. I could recite it back to her pretty easily. But when she told me a phone number that had no patterns or repeated numbers, and told me to repeat it back to her, I couldn't. Even though it was just a second later, I didn't remember the number at all. Then, she told me the number in fragments and had me repeat the fragments back to her.
For instance:
Her: 529
Me: 529
Her: 60
Me: 60
Her: 41
Me: 41
Her: Now the whole number.
Me: 5296041
It was a really cool exercise. I found a blind spot in my brain! There was also another new aspect of TS that I learned. I can't really focus on what I'm doing unless I have an extra sensory thing going on. I can't do my homework very well unless I have music playing. The music occupies the part of my brain that would normally be wandering off and making me want to do other things so that I can easily do my homework. She also said that a lot of kids with Tourettes may be cleaning their rooms and think "Hey, look, a game!" and go off and do something else. In my case, I may go "Hey, look, a pencil!" and pick it up and start banging it on things and make a random song. Oh, distractions, distractions.
So now I have to take a few vitamins to enhance my memory, which is fine with me.
Thank you for reading!
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